Our Learning

A year of incredible articles!

This article was created by Riya, Edward, Milena, Mellinda, Marriam, Freya, Hope, Rowanne and Mr GB 

What a year it has been! The newspaper club is in its second year and this year we have had more reporters than ever before. At the start of the year we only had 3 reporters from Year 5 – Mellinda, Megan and Ariane. But as the year went on more and more amazing reporters joined the team!

In this article we will be talking about our favourite articles and events from the year.  

Edward – My favourite thing this year was when we worte about sports day – I made an amazing article that talked about all of the different events that happened. 

Mellinda – My favourite article was about Young Voices. This was when we went to the Reorts world arena in Birmingham and it was a big show with thousands of other children from different schools – but we were singing the best! 

Riya – My favourite article was about the Big Sing – This was when we went to Rugby School and sung with the BBC orchestra and some stars from the West End! In the morning we did rehearsals and then stayed really late to sing! 

Milena – My favourite thing to write about this year was animals. I made an incredible article called animal newsround and I will carry on writing more about animals next year! 

Marriam – My favourite article to write about was our leavers play! I liked it because I liked being able to give out hints and sneak peaks first for people who read the newspaper. 

Rowanne – My favourite thing to write about this year was the school trip we went on – AKA the trip to the Houses of Parliament. We also went on a trip t0 Jump In yesterday but we haven’t had time to write about it. 

Hope – My favourite thing about newspaper club this year was hanging out with all of the other junior reporters and creating some incredible articles. 

Freya – My favourite article I wrote this year was about our topic Wonder Women – It was my favourite topic in Year 3!

If you have enjoyed our articles this year and would like to join next year. Speak to one of us and we will help you join. 

I hope you all have an exciting Summer holidays!