Wider World

[Alton Towers Resort] is opening on [16th March 2024] with a new ride [Nemesis Reborn]!

Alton Towers is opening on the 16th MARCH 2024!!!

This is big stuff because of course they have (re)built Nemesis reborn, the retrack of world-class rollercoaster Nemesis. https://hillmorton.pupilmagazines.com/nemesis-is-back-sort-of/

In other news, the skyride is staying shut all year with a million(?) pounds going into it.

Hex will open soon.

And Hyperia is DEFINITELY finished. https://hillmorton.pupilmagazines.com/hyperia-is-pretty-much-finished/

Please follow all links for more content.

(Sadly I’m not gonna be there…)

Remember to do stuff!