Wider World


Calling all budding Artists!

For Art Week we have decide to create an opportunity for anyone in our school to get involved in helping our environment by doing artwork. You could make anything you want for example; a collage, a sculpture, a model, a painting, a drawing and anything else artistic!

Your pieces of art will be going to a stall at the school Summer Fair.

This is where we will sell all of your brilliant artwork and the money raised will be donated to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) This is a charity which helps save animals and the environment!

Five girls in year 4RI will be running the stall and they are the children that have thought of this wonderful idea.

So, if you want to participate in this event bring your piece of art along to Miss Wheeler by Tuesday 5th July, she will take your art to the five girls and your art will be sold at the fair. (If your art does not get sold at the fair it will be returned back to you)

Thank you for reading, we look forward to seeing some of your pieces and raising money for a good cause!