Our Learning

Diary Of A Home School Kid


Hello people, Owen here and in to show you just what happens in home school.

Lots of people may think that home school is boring and dull and for some of the lessons your right,it is,however when all of your home school tasks are out of the way the fun can begin but before we talk about all the fun things you could do in isolation, I’ll spare a minute to talk about the learning.

Every single day you have three tasks plus an extra one to do. You always have literacy, mathematics and topic, for example: Romans, Greeks, Ancient Egyptians.Then you’ll probably have RE or PE or even art

Now, onto the fun stuff.even though it seems like you have nothing to do in isolation there is actually a wide variety of things to do.You could get arty and do some painting or drawing.You could play a board game or  a video game with your family and do some just dance. You could practice some football or basketball skills in the garden or make some cool Lego creations with your brother or sister.

        < My drawing.

One thought on “Diary Of A Home School Kid

  • I really loved reading this report! Know I have so many ideas of what to do with my family after school.I can’t wait to hear more of your amazing reports!

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