
Interview with miss power

Me and Alex have interviewed miss power with some weird questions and here are the answers.

If you were the head teacher what one change would you make to the school?

I would have animals in the school so that we could all have pets in school.

what song would garantee you on the dance floor?

one more time (Ariana grande)

When have you overcome a fear?

I have overcome a fear when I first lead a staff meeting and speaking to large groups of people.

What’s a funny story from when you were in school?

I called my teacher mummy

What is your party trick?

I don’t have one yet but I’m working on one for my next Christmas party.

What is your favourite disney film?

I don’t have a favourite but I am a huge disney fan and I really like beauty and the beast, tarzan,

Hercules and toy story. There are many moreĀ  that I love.

Would you rather bath in slugs for a week or eat dried beetles for a month?

I would rather bath in slugs for a week.

If you weren’t a teacher what would you be?

I would be a party planner

Would you rather eat just bread on it’s own or eat a very sickly doughnut and water?

I would rather eat a very sickly doughnut with water.