Bit of Fun!

Interview with Miss Swaden

I interviewed Miss Swaden and these were the answers I got:

1.why did you want to be a teacher?

I wanted to inspire children to learn.

2. What year group would you like to teach?

Year 2 or year 6

3. What subject are you most looking forward to teach?

science and art, i love them both.

4. What subject are you least looking forward to teach?

literacy because miss Swaden has dyslexia and finds spelling hard sometimes and wants children to learn spellings correctly.

5. What is your favourite book?

I don’t like peas by kes Gray.

6. What is your favourite movie?

Monster Ink

7. What is your favourite hobby?

Sewing and cars

8. What is your university like?

it is nice, small and local it is called Warwick university in Coventry.

:0                   🙂