Bit of Fun!

Interview with Mr Adams

I interviewed Mr Adams with some weird questions about some lets say different subjects!🙊

Mr GB and Mrs Menzies asked the following questions:

1.why are you so terrible at fortnight?

everyone has their bad days but even my bad day will be better than Mr GB.

2.what is your favourite thing about your car?

the cherry air fresheners.

3. what is your favourite computer game?

Fifa 2022

4. what would be your dream car?

range rover of a sport half crome green and half mat black.

5. have you named your car?

Fiesta ST so i named it Stacey

I would like to ask you the following:

6.why did you become a teacher?

I had a good teacher at primary school and i think everyone should get that opportunity.

7. What is your favourite lesson to teach?

science or DT.

8. What is your favourite book?


9. What is your favourite film?

new spider man.

10. What is your favourite meal?

chicken wrapped in bacon roast dinner.