Bit of Fun!

Meet the Year 5 Councillors

We have caught up with the newly elected School Councilors in Year 5 to ask them a few questions about their role. Have a read and see what Tyler and Emilia have to say!

What is your opinion on being a school Councilor?

Tyler – I love being a school Councilor because it has amazing responsibilities

Emilia- Its good being a school councilor because I get to make the school a better place

What do you want to do as a school councilor?

Tyler – I want to enjoy helping people and being kind

Emilia – I would like to make the school a better place

Do you think being a school councilor will make you better person ?

Tyler- Yeah I do because I get to learn how to take responsibilities into my own hands

Emilia-Yes I do because it makesĀ  me more confident

Emilia and Tyler have told us their opinions.