Bit of Fun!


First I will talk about minecraft , I have had a pretty bad history! First, I flooded my house by building a fish pond, then, I built a swimming pool and then I accidentally blew up my house by putting TNT under the floor.

But now I will talk about my good history: Right now, I have built a double floor house with lots of weapons ,a fish tank, a balcony, a dead head room and a triangle roof. The most recent addons include an arctic fox enclosure and loads of cats! I’m also going to try to tame a parrot.

For those of you who don’t know about Minecraft: It’s a world made out of blocks and technically even you are made of blocks! The aim of the game is to defeat the Ender Dragon but before you get to that point you have to mine resources like diamonds, emeralds, stone etc. Once you collect different resources you can build houses, weapons and anything you want which will all help you to maybe slay the ender dragon!

The game has lots of secrets you can uncover, for instance, a pink sheep which is very rare. The rare blue Axolotl and the rare mooshroom cow which you can even milk to get mushroom soup!

That’s it for this week’s gaming news, next week I will tell you all about how to tame different animals in Minecraft!