Our Learning

Our trip-PGL

Year 6 went on our residential trip from Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th. we had lots of fun but got wet and very muddy. when we arrived we had our packed lunch then went to our first activities- rock climbing and archery. it started to rain as we had our go so we got soaked. in archery i slipped over and got very muddy. after them activity’s we went back to our dormitories to unpack. we went for tea then went for our evening activity ambush. In ambush we were in two teams one counted and the other hid. If in five minutes the hiding team were not found then they won but if the counting team found them then hey won. At about nine we went back to camp and was aloud to see each other. At ten to ten we had to stay in our rooms and at twenty past ten we had to go to bed.

The next morning we were woke up to Mr Hubbard playing loud music (we were not impressed)!

Over the three days we had lots of fun.