Bit of Fun!

Shop’s mistakes

Have you ever been in a shop and bought something like a pack of orange’s and it has said “easy peeler” on the packet but it is the complete opposite! seriously! it once took me a good 15 minutes to open it so please never buy  “easy peelers” OK! Another thing is the magazines with toys the little plastic ones they break straight away and its a shame because they can be so cute!

Here are some arguments from my friends:

First up on the agenda is my bestie Sophia. What do you have to say Sophia?

“We went to Wicks once and we bought a bucket of paint and it was only 3/4 full”

Now that was a great explanation Sophia – It’s just coming in that we have a new argument from Sophia – do you have anything else to say? She said that it happened at McDonalds and I ordered a PLAIN cheeseburger and they put pickles and ketchup and all gross stuff on it when all I wanted was a PLAIN cheeseburger! – That was an amusing story and a (very tiring one) anyway this is all I am go to do and good by.

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