WEEKLY NEWS: Busy few weeks
Hello, hello. Any idea what I’m writing about? A busy upcoming week? Wrong! Busy upcoming WEEKS!
The first thing? Miss Antcliffe’s first day. Yesterday was Miss Antcliffe’s first official day as a part of the Hillmorton Family. [Cue applause. Start chanting Miss Antcliffe. Done?] WAIT! I’M NOT DONE YET!
Second thing? My dog’s birthday. OK, that’s not one of the highlights. But Leo’s birthday IS the 25th of Feb. Ok, the actual thing is the upcoming disco. When? Friday. Get ready to party key stage 2. Years five to six are doing theirs from 5-6pm.
3rd thing. Monday. Get stressed Yr 6, ‘cos we’re finding out what school we’re going to then.
Finally, the last thing. Thursday, otherwise known as World Book Day. Have you got your costumes ready? Yes? Hope you like it. No? THEN HURRY UP ALREADY!
Anyway, on that happy note, goodbye.
See you next week!