Wider World

World Food

Food, we all love it  we all like it, Well that is For people who like food, if you don’t then don’t be offended but I can’t believe it I can’t  imagine life without food! It would be like hell but on Earth – a disaster!

So around the world, people eat food all the time and I’m going to tell you all about the different foods from around the world. We will also be hearing from some of my friends who will tell you what their favourite foods are.

First up is Mr GB. His favourite food from around the world is curry from India. Specifically he really likes paneer curries because he is a vegetarian so can’t eat meat. Paneer is a type of cheese but it goes really nicely in curries.

Next up is Milena her favorite food is wonton soup from Japan she like’s it because it is nice and healthy. Another reason why she likes is because it is sweet and sour in its taste.

Third and final is my bestie SOPHIA!!

Sophia’s favorite food is fajitas because they have a lot of flavor and are nice to have on a Friday evening and Sophia said that she has no other reason why she likes them.

And that is all for my article, bye for now.