
YEAR 4RI interview

teacher/Mr Ingram interview

1)what are you teaching next term?

We will be looking at the Iron Man by Ted Hughes, in science we will be learning about electricity and in maths we will move onto learning about area and perimeter.

2) do you like teaching in this school?

I really enjoy teaching at this school!

3)did you ever want to teach when you were younger?

Yes! I did want  to teach history but I changed my mind and became a primary school teacher.

4)are you liking your first year teaching a class at Hillmorton primary school?

Yes I am loving it!

5)how old were you when you started teaching?

I was 30 when I started teaching.

6)what was your dream job when you were younger?

I always dreamed of being an Astronaut.

7)have you ever taught in a different school?

I have taught at a different school in Hillmorton.

8)what do you think your year 4 are best at?

I think my year 4 class are really good artists.

9)what is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is definitely science!

10)do you want to teach a different year group in the future?

Yes I would like to try some thing different, that would be great.

kids in year 4 interview

1)did you like what you did this term?

Gureet: yes Hassan: yes Dominic: yes

2)what did you like learning most this term?

Rohan: Maths was my favorite because we were learning decimals.

3)Do you think you are using a secret of success in class?

Jess: I think I am using the secret of success push myself.

4) What subject are you best at?

Amber: I love writing in literacy, so literacy is what I am best at!

5) Who is your favorite author?

Emily: My favorite author is Andy Griffiths.

6)What is your favorite game to play outside?

Hayden: In my free time I like to play football with my friends.

7) Did you find any subject particularly interesting this half term?

Riya: This term I enjoyed Science because I liked doing experiments which was particularly interesting to do.

8)Are you proud of how hard you have been working this half term?

Florence: I am proud of how I have worked this half term because I have finished more pieces of work and have not got distracted by all of my classmates

9) Which award are you most proud of getting this half term?

Matthias: My award that I’m most proud of is my maths champion which is the most difficult times table award you can get.

Clearly Mr Ingram is a good teacher!