Our Learning

Year Five get designing

Year Five have been getting crafty with designing their own bridges for the county of  Worcestershire. They have had to be mindful on their materials as flooding is taking over their county every year. This isn’t good as they only have one bridge which connects Worcestershire and the other side of land, the bridge also gets flooded cutting off connection to Worcestershire and other land.

This has been very exciting for them as we got to be as creative as we like but being mindful still of the materials. We got got to create our own bridges  but we didn’t use metal like normal bridges we used  pasta and masking tape. This was hard as  we had a minimum amount of resources which was a challenge as we could run out of materials and not have a sturdy bridge. My team was the winner and my bridge was able to hold seven school books until it collapsed to the ground. It was a bit disappointing as we had spent so long making it. The only really annoying thing was the aftermath as there was pasta everywhere.